Horoscope Predictions
Horoscope Predictions
To get this service, one must have
Exact Date of Birth
Accurate Time of Birth
Nerest Town/Ciy of Birth place
Based on the given details,
We calculate the position of the planets
We analyze the strength of the planets
We interpret the influences of the planets on the native
​We predict the nearest foreseeable future
We suggest astrological remedies
Education Astrology Predictions

The following points are examined and forecast by us.
Best field of study
Educational advancement as exceptional or typical
Opportunities to get a place in reputable schools
Opportunities to succeed in tests and exams
Suitable academic fields and subjects
Breaks from school, if any
Opportunities for education abroad
Likelihood of receiving scholarships
Career Astrology Predictions
The following points are examined and forecast by us.
The best profession for you.
The best time to start a job.
The best time to settle into a solid position.
The possibility of working for the government.
The potential for career progress over the next few years.
Any obstacles you may face in your professional life.
When is the best moment to change jobs.
Does the business line suit you.
Can you travel abroad.

Business Astrology Predictions
The following points would be analyzed and predicted by us
Best suitable business line.
Growth of business life.
Continuation of business or not.
Best time for the business.
Best time to clear the debts.
Right time to go for borrowings.
Best time to deal with bankers.
Best time to deal with financial institutions.
Best time to deal with debtors.
Successful rate of the projects.
Financial positions for future periods.
Successful rate in case of partnerships.
Understanding in between the partners.
Best time to settlement of partnerships.

Wealth/Finance Astrology Predictions
The following points would be analyzed and predicted by us
Current financial position.
Possibilities for acquiring wealth.
A good moment to make investments.
Gains and losses in the stock market.
The right moment to buy a house.
The perfect time to obtain finances or loans from banks.
Best time to sell properties.
Financial periods of success and failure.
Suitable investment opportunities include stocks and real estate.
Property squabbles.
Whether property challenges in court are successful or unsuccessful.

Love & Marriage Astrology Predictions
The following points would be analyzed and predicted by us.
Chances of a Successful Love Marriage.
Causes of the delay in getting married.
Marriage's timing.
Your spouse's mentality.
Information about your spouse.
The couple's affection and love.
Your spouse's health and wellbeing.
Background of the spouse's family.
Provide solutions for resolving the issue of delayed marriage.
The causes of the couple's misconceptions one another.
Likelihood of a second marriage.
Likelihood of divorce.
Likelihood of a good marriage.
Provide suggestions about how to resolve the issue in your marriage.

Child Birth Astrology Predictions
The following points would be analyzed and predicted by us
Birth of a child's timing.
Likelihood of a successful birth.
The causes of the delayed childbirth.
Issues with Pregnancy.
Issues during the pregnancy.
The couple's ability to conceive.
Possible abortion or miscarriage outcomes.
Suggest the remedies to have children.

Health Astrology Predictions
The following points would be analyzed and predicted by us
Health in general.
Determine the times of illness.
Determine which body areas are unhealthy.
Determine the illness's type.
Best period for disease recovery.
Whether or not a procedure or medicine is helpful.
If not urgent, the best time to seek medical attention.
Offer suggestions for how to treat the sickness.
Suggest that COVID-19 be overcome.